Al Sharq Hospital Pharmacy is well stocked with variety of medical and general healthcare products. Our qualified pharmacists will make sure that patients clearly understand their medications and how to take them. To ensure our patients satisfaction, we apply a smart queue management system to minimize waiting time. Our pharmacy is empanelled by all major insurance companies.
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- General & Laparoscopic Surgery
- Orthopedics & Joint Replacement Surgery
- Pediatrics
- Internal Medicine
- Cardiology
- Urology
- Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
- Ophthalmology (Eye Clinic)
- Gastroenterology
- Dentistry / Orthodontist
- Dermatology & Cosmetology
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Neurology
- Laboratory (24 HRS)
- Medical Imaging (Radiology)
- Accident & Emergency Services
- Aero-medical clinic (Aviation)
- Ambulance Services
- Anesthesiology & Pain Management Clinic
- Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss)
- Cath Lab
- Nephrology and Dialysis
- Pulmonology & Chest Clinic
- GP Clinic
- Physiotherapy
- Diet & Nutrition
- Pharmacy